Story On

In January 2014 I had never heard of Business Storytelling,  by March that changed  when I met  Shawn Callahan who generously shared with me his insights on the topic based on his Storytelling for Leaders (SFL) program when in  Sydney. I have now delivered SFL around Australia and overseas. I consistently see the profound difference business storytelling makes in getting messages to stick, in influencing outcomes and helping sales.


But to me there was more than storytelling … Story Off.


I could see how we could benefit from telling our story but I also saw in my own life how stories limited me MS, ANCE, Fears of study, Failure etc. Waking up at 3 ( many blokes relate).

Tap Dr. hungry for success. Always running never sitting with what was. (Success Story)

Story on Story Off / Soft is the New Hard.


Turning your Story brain on takes knowhow and practise. In Storytelling for Leaders I teach easy to understand formulas which work! Participants of my workshops see amazing outcomes. When done right, storytelling is a super power.


Even G.O.T. (Game of Thrones recognises the Power of Stories)


I was recently listening to ABC radio and one of the announcers made reference to Jon Stewart the former host of Saturday Night Live’s and his address to congress on behalf of 911 first responders. I made a mental note to watch what was described and as masterful piece of oration. Have a listen and see what you think?


Receiving Jacket

 Long Version

Storytelling delivered with passion vulnerability and authenticity can change the world.


Business Storytelling is not a Hollywood production and it’s not just boring account of the facts its somewhere in between .


 I’ve never come across anyone in business that didn’t have an interesting story to tell with a pertinent message.

Tim Wise